40 Citas para la categoría Programación
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I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First 'Linux', now 'Git'.
Linus Torvalds, Git FAQ
We all struggle with the concept of uncertainty, but it does not deter us from trying to plan the unplannable.
Desconocido, PMI Webinar, Use Games to Build Your Agile Project Teams, 2018
Developer accused of unreadable code refuses to comment.
Desconocido, (fediverse post as an example)
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Hardware eventually fails. Software eventually works.
Michael Hartung
Der größte Feind erfolgreicher Projekte ist nicht Unwissen, sondern die Illusion von Wissen.
Desconocido, Wie „langsames Denken” ein Projekt beschleunigt, projektManagement aktuell, 2017
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